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Pat's Mexican Table............ Pati Jinich - Basket Tacos ...................... Published on Oct 2, 2015 on youtube........... Pati is making Tacos de Canasta (aka "basket tacos," aka "sweaty tacos") for Taco Night................. Category People & Blogs................. License Standard YouTube License.............................WATCH THIS COOKING VIDEO OR POST YOUR OWN COOKING VIDEO FREE.......

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Beekeeping Series @ Lazy B Farm............... Looking to make a difference in the world of honeybees? Looking for a new hobby? Looking for a unique gift this season? Lazy B Farm offers an annual Beekeeping Series, one Saturday morning a month for 6 months, starting in January. http://thelazybfarm.com/beekeeping-series-2017 There is classroom instruction and hands-on time in farm apiary. Our instructors are Bill Owens (highest ranked beekeeper in GA and this year's Beekeeper of the Year!) and Cyndi Ball, owner of the Lazy B Farm. They've been teaching together for 7 years! For further information and to register for the Beekeeping Series, please click here: http://thelazybfarm.com/beekeeping-series-2017 .................................................................................................... ...................................source craigslist.com feed.

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Complete Guide To Vegan Food............ The Vegan Activist ....... Published on Oct 24, 2015 on Youtube..... For new Vegans, it can seem overwhelming figuring out what to eat. In the following video, I explain fundamentals to succeeding on a plant-based diet, ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and snacks. I cover tips for eating out, eating cheaply and eating for busy lifestyles. I also discuss substitute products, alcohol, palm oil and explain how to check labels. I also briefly discuss nutrition. Vegan Food Guide PDF: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ehftxjlz0a5...

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