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Newest Classifieds in  TRUE CRIME SERIES

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Capitol rioter from Largo sentenced to 5 years

Capitol rioter from Largo sentenced to 5 years ................. Dec 17, 2021 ........................ FOX 13 Tampa Bay ................ A Largo man who pleaded guilty to participating in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol has been sentenced to 63 months in prison. It's the longest prison sentence yet for a participant in the insurrection. Story: https://www.fox13news.com/news/largo-... FOX 13 Tampa Bay brings you the important videos like breaking news, Tampa Bay weather, and local stories. But also plenty of fun stuff, like 'We Live Here' tips, the best of our archives, and all those 'only-in-Florida' stories.................................................Source Fox 13 Tampa Bay-Youtube.............................................Images Fox 13 Tampa Bay-Reddit, Putabook, Bing .....................................Posted on TSMJ on 04/23/22.

United States Florida N/A
Former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio weighs in on

Former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio weighs in on rising crime rates in the city..................................... May 18, 2022................................ The Swap Meet Journal Crime Series ........................... Former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio weighs in on rising crime rates in the city Apr 14, 2022.............. CBS News .......... A shooting on a Brooklyn subway has amplified concerns about rising crime rates in New York City. The crime rate has risen more than 44% in 2022. Former Mayor Bill de Blasio joins "Red and Blue" to discuss what went wrong in the city's response Tuesday. He also shares his thoughts on former Governor Andrew Cuomo's potential political comeback, and more. CBS News Streaming Network is the premier 24/7 anchored streaming news service from CBS News and Stations, available free to everyone with access to the Internet. The CBS News Streaming Network is your destination for breaking news, live events and original reporting locally, nationally and around the globe. Launched in November 2014 as CBSN, the CBS News Streaming Network is available live in 91 countries and on 30 digital platforms and apps, as well as on CBSNews.com and Paramount+. .......Source CBS News ..........................Images CBS News Bing.com Us. viragoshi. NYPd......Stlyle5.tv........wLord.......Clipartpanda......Clipart Mag.......Vector Art................Posted on Youtube on 05/18/22 By TSMJ.

United States New York N/A
Richard Moore - Scheduled for Execution (& UPATE)

Richard Moore - Scheduled for Execution on APRIL 29, 2022............................. Apr 20, 2022 ..........................(SOUTH CAROLINA) The Swap Meet Journal Crime Series ............................... Richard Bernard Moore, 57 Death Row Inmate is Scheduled for Death by Firing Squad on April 29, 2022.........................................Source Wyff News 4................Richard B Moore is convicted of the MURDER of James Mahoney a Convenience Store Clerk in Spartanburg SC in September 1999. Moore has been on death row for more than 20 years since he was Convicted in 1999 for killing James Mahoney in Spartanburg (Source; The Famous data.com/Bing) ..................Images Wyff News 4 - Bing. .........................Posted on Youtube.com on 04/20/22 by The Swap Meet Journal.com.

United States South Carolina N/A
Violent Crime rate in North Carolina

Violent Crime rate in North Carolina .................................. Apr 22, 2022 ........................................ The Swap Meet Journal Crime Series .................................. Violent crime rate in North Carolina higher than national average ................ Sep 29, 2021 ............... WCNC ..................Youtube........ For the first time in 13 years, North Carolina's violent crime rate is higher than the national rate. The FBI said Monday that North Carolina saw a nearly 12% increase in violent crime from 2019 to 2020. FBI data showed more than 44,000 violent crimes were reported in North Carolina last year. Homicides and assaults drove the statewide increase, while robberies and rapes both went down. READ MORE: https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/cri... ................. Source-WCNC.com-Bing...............Images -Vector free-Bing- posted on TSMJ on 04/22/22 .

United States North Carolina N/A
Concerns Grow after Memphis ranked most dangerous

Concerns grow after Memphis ranked most dangerous city ...................................... Apr 22, 2022 ................ Youtube ......................... The Swap Meet Journal Crime Series ................................ Concerns grow after Memphis ranked most dangerous city ...... Dec 9, 20211.........Youtube.................WREG News Channel 3..............Concerns grow after Memphis ranked most dangerous city in the country. ..............................Source WREG News Channel 3-Youtube.com............Images Clip Art Suggest -Bing ..............Posted on Youtube by TSMJ on 04/08/23.

United States Tennessee N/A

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