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Newest Classifieds in  Real Estate Investor/Schools


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Real Estate Investor Group Accepting Students .................. We are a local real estate investor group seeking to enroll new students that want to learn real estate investment. Students learn at their own pace. While gaining your education, you will be provided with the opportunity to earn a sufficient income - if you so choose. If you are employed, you will be able to work towards quitting your 9-5 and working for yourself within a year. Your networking will begin with our national network, which is made up of all walks of life: doctors, agents, lawyer, contractors, etc. The goal will be to help each student gain the knowledge needed to become a successful real estate investor and help fund and structure their first deal within 3-6 months. There are certain requirements that must be met during the vetting process. If you are interested, call or text me your name and email, and I will reach out to you to begin the vetting process.......Contact Isaac @ 757-656-5753 Serious inquiries only please. .................source craigslist.com feed.

Newest Auctions in  Real Estate Investor/Schools

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