
Crazy Cat Peeps Needed! (Taylors Pet Smart)  
Listing ID: 684
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Crazy Cat Peeps Needed! (Taylors Pet Smart) ..... Do you love felines? Would you like to make a difference in the lives of homeless felines in the Upstate? Then Foster Paws Rescue, 501c3 non profit cat rescue group needs you! We're looking for dedicated, responsible volunteers to tend cats in our Pet Smart Taylors adoption center located on Wade Hampton Blvd. near Target. There are two shifts available AM/PM seven days a week. If you're an especially enterprising cat lover, FPR would like to train you to handle adoptions during your shift. FPR has other volunteer opportunities, please ask us. Caring for the kitties in the center is a great way to help homeless cats and make your community a better place to live. Please contact Denise Hendrix for further information: denise1613@gmail.com. Thank you! ...source craigslist.com feed...
Price: N/A
Listing ID: 684
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