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CALL FOR ART FOR EXCITING AND COOL SHOW!!! DEADLINE OCT 28 (Greenville,SC) ......................... Call For Artists "Changing Landscapes" Deadline October 28 ................. This is happening at the Greenville Cultural Exchange Center!!!! If you haven't heard of it, google it now. .................. Gentrification is a serious issue in most cities and it has especially become an issue in Greenville as it has been experiencing a developing boom over the past several years. The Art Haus Project is seeking artists to create a work of art addressing the many aspects of gentrification in the forms of visual art ( specifically painting, drawing, installation, video or photography) or spoken word for an exhibition with poetry slam in Greenville entitled "Changing Landscapes" during the first weekend of November 2017. What are your feelings on the subject? Let your voice be heard. Curated by Harlan Lovestone and Anthony Modesto Milian Dimensions of work should not exceed 60" H, x 60" W x 24" D Artists are asked to Submit work as a Jpeg with artist resume, phone number by OCTOBER 28 ( NEW DEADLINE !!) with the headline "Changing Landscapes" ..............................source craigslist.com feed.

United States South Carolina N/A

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