
Beekeeping Series @ Lazy B Farm  
Listing ID: 1197
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Beekeeping Series @ Lazy B Farm............... Looking to make a difference in the world of honeybees? Looking for a new hobby? Looking for a unique gift this season? Lazy B Farm offers an annual Beekeeping Series, one Saturday morning a month for 6 months, starting in January. http://thelazybfarm.com/beekeeping-series-2017 There is classroom instruction and hands-on time in farm apiary. Our instructors are Bill Owens (highest ranked beekeeper in GA and this year's Beekeeper of the Year!) and Cyndi Ball, owner of the Lazy B Farm. They've been teaching together for 7 years! For further information and to register for the Beekeeping Series, please click here: http://thelazybfarm.com/beekeeping-series-2017 .................................................................................................... ...................................source craigslist.com feed.
Price: N/A
Listing ID: 1197
Teaching Lab

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