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Free Website Analysis  
Listing ID: 1166
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Free Website Analysis .................... Is your website ranking for the key search terms in your industry? If not, there may several reasons. 1. Do you have enough key-word rich, relevant, authoritative content? 2. Is your website mobile responsive? Meaning can you view it correctly on a tablet or mobile phone? 3. Have you verified your business/site with Google? 4. Have you completed any citations? If you answered "NO" or "I don't know", you need to call me! You invested money into that site, and it should be making you money. You wouldn't buy a car with no engine and leave it in the driveway and walk! You buy it to get you around. It's the same thing with a site, you bought it to increase traffic to your business and make more money! If you're not in the map pack or on page 1 of the Google search results, your site is not doing what you intended for it to do. You have to put the motor in it. For a site this is called SEO (Search Engine Optimization). You an have a Ferrari or a beautiful website, but if the car doesn't have an engine or the site is not optimized, you wasted your money! I'm not a mechanic, so I can't help you fix the Ferrari, but I CAN fix your website so it will do what you intended for it to do. Call Mike today @ 864-621-8068 If you don't have a site, all sites that I do will be optimized, I won't just build a site so it can get lost in the billions of other sites. Call me...Again 864-621-8068. I'll do a free analysis on your current site and see what needs to be done to fix it. 864-621-8068, Or visit my site @ sptbgwebdesign.com, Thank You and Have a Blessed Day!..............................source craigslist.com feed.
Listing ID: 1166
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