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Local Representatives Needed (Greenville, SC)  
Listing ID: 1444
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Exchange Student S- CL 1.jpg

  • Exchange Student S- CL 1.jpg
  • Exchange Student S- CL 2.jpg
Local Representatives Needed (Greenville, SC).................. This is Char Zimmerman and I am the Area Director with Forte International Exchange Association. I am looking for people who are really interested in placing exchange students in their local schools. My team is looking for eager, hard working, reliable and caring people who can give some time in their community and to make a difference for families and for our students. We are VOLUNTEER and that means Host Families are not paid to host. They do this out of the kindness of their heart and want to give one of our students their dream. The students are eager to arrive and to have their host family early so they can bond with them. When they arrive it will be like their own child coming to them. All Local Representatives must be over 26 and are willing to find the host families. You will receive $400 upfront when the paperwork is done and then the difference throughout the school year. The total is $1,050 per student. We have wonderful incentives and you can make extra money when you find more families during the period of the bonus. The incentive trip is wonderful. The team went on a cruise this year. The students you place will be excited to have you as their liaison and so will I. Only true interested people who are willing to give time for the students and the team, please contact me. You work from home most of the time and should know how to use a computer. Char Zimmerman charzforte@gmail.com or you can call me at 888-866-6869 x 7 ......................source craigslist.com feed.
Price: N/A
Listing ID: 1444

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